Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
12480 Deep Sea Research 0146-6291 Elsevier
12481 Deep Sea Research (1953) 0146-6313 Elsevier
12484 Deep Sea Research Part B Oceanographic Literature Review 0198-0254 Elsevier
12485 Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 0967-0637 Elsevier
12486 Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 0967-0645 Elsevier
12482 Deep Sea Research and Oceanographic Abstracts 0011-7471 Elsevier
807147 Deep Underground Science and Engineering 2097-0668
42362 Deep-Sea Res
12483 Deep-sea research. Part A, Oceanographic research papers 0198-0149 Elsevier
100547 Deer London
529599 DefTech - La revue des innovations technologiques pour l'armement et la sécurité
181397 Defect Diff.Forum
46527 Defect Diffus. Forum
42631 Defect and Diffusion Forum 1012-0386 Trans Tech Publications
140806 Defect and Diffusion Forum
155623 Defect and Diffusion Forum (Online) 1662-9507
84684 Defect and Diffusion Forum Series
89595 Defect and Diffusion Forum, Diffusion in Solis and Liquids Trans Tech Publications
18753 Defektoskopiya / Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing 1061-8309 MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica
12488 Defence Studies 1470-2436 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
566485 Defence Technology 2214-9147
12487 Defence and Peace Economics 1024-2694 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
136729 Defence and Peace Economics 1024-2694
12489 Defense Analysis 0743-0175 Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)
74120 Defense Concepts Journal
4349 Defense Counsel Journal 0895-0016 The International Association of Defense Counsel
38747 Defense Monitor 0195-6450 Center for Defense Information
49845 Defense and Peace Economics
38746 Defense and Security Analysis 1475-1798 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
4350 Defense law journal 0011-7587 A. Smith Co
122910 Defensive Architecture of the Mediterranean. XV to XVIII centuries Pablo Rodríguez-Navarro
167686 Defining and Redefining Space in the English-Speaking World: Contacts, Frictions, Clashes
168879 Defrénois
171624 Defrénois - La revue du notariat 2116-9578 Lextenso
174098 Defrénois : la revue du notariat
170725 Defrénois, la revue du notariat 1963-1774 Lextenso
133473 Defrénois. La revue du notariat 2116-9578 Lextenso
675210 Degrowth journal
89681 Degrés : revue de synthèse à orientation sémiologique Helbo
776787 Degrés, Revue de synthèse à orientation sémiologique 0376-8163 Helbo, André. Directeur de publication
55465 Dei delitti e delle pene
33105 Dei gesta per Francos. Etudes sur les croisades dédiées à Jean Richard
84356 Deia
178044 Del Prudente Saber Y El Máximo Posible De Sabor 1515-3576 Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación - Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos
623 Dela 0354-0596 University of Ljubljana
34813 Delamotte-Legrand R. (éd.), Les Médiations langagières
4351 Delaware Journal of Corporate Law 0364-9490 Widener University School of Law
4352 Delaware Law Review 1097-1874 Delaware State Bar Association
22357 Delaware Medical Journal 0011-7781 Delaware Medical Journal
624 Delaware Review of Latin American Studies 1536-1837 University of Delaware